Standalone Courses

We offer a range of courses for lay people, which are delivered in partnership with the Global Institute for Leadership Development (GILD). These courses are online and run in a similar way to our formal courses, but are accessible to all who meet the basic entry requirements. These courses are designed to run in your church or small group.

Unveiled: A Christian Study Guide to Islam

This course will give Christians knowledge of Islamic teachings and the worldview of Muslim peoples. This course assists Christians in knowing, understanding, and loving Muslims while developing the knowledge and skills they need to share the gospel effectively.

Engage: Christian Responses to Islam

This course will give Christians guidance on correct and appropriate responses to Islam. This course focuses on the influences Islam is having in the world and discusses various responses, each rooted in love.

Christian Apologetics

The Christian Apologetics course equips learners with foundational tools of apologetics which will enable them to be an effective Christian witness and defender of God’s truth within the varied cultural and contextual paradigms of the global south. The course traces the rich heritage of historical Christian apologetics and it brings familiarity with a variety of apologetics discourses. Christian Apologetics enables learners to integrate the tools of apologetics into their various places of work and ministry.

Leading House Group and Bible Study

This course will provide an examination of urban social structures and the place of house groups in these structures, alongside a study on the church and its relation to house groups. It gives an introduction to group dynamics and the leadership of cell groups, and guidance concerning creative Bible studies for small groups. Learners will be required to lead a house group once a week for at least six weeks. The house groups will not commence until week 5 of the course.

Bible Overview

This is a 14 lesson standalone course which takes students through an overview of the biblical story. This course teaches students that the Bible ultimately tells one big story, and walks students through both the Old and New Testaments to discover the Bible's major themes and ideas, as well as summaries of biblical books. By the end of this course, students will have a greater knowledge and understanding of the Bible, and be able to communicate its message clearly to others. Furthermore, this course aims to interest and excite students over the importance of the biblical story and encourage a greater appreciation of the whole Bible.

Tutor Training Course

The Tutor Training Course provides The Shepherd's Academy (TSA) Tutors with the necessary preliminary training for their role. As well outlining the roles and responsibilities of a TSA Tutor, this course provides learners with the understanding and skills to effectively run courses and tutorial sessions, and to assist their TSA students in their Study Centre.

Understanding the Times (only in Tamil)

This is a devotional course which spans across 10 Lessons and prepares students to look at the world through the eyes of Jesus Christ and get ready for eternity. Learners will understand how the predictions and prophecies of Jesus Christ have been fulfilled in the past, and continue to be fulfilled today. Consequently, students will obtain a greater understanding and awareness of the Bible's relevancy in the modern world, and develop skills related to biblical exegesis and cultural and political engagement. This course may be studied over a period of 1-2 months individually or completed as a group - all at learners' own paces.

God's Salvation Story in the Bible

This course introduces learners to the story of the Bible by giving an overview of key themes in Scripture, particularly the theme of salvation, in conjunction with a general survey of the Bible. It takes learners to the world of the Old and New Testaments, including their people and cultures. In addition, learners will be provided with a critical study of the Bible that provides life and hope for the contemporary church.

2 Samuel: The Life and Leadership of the Shepherd King David

This course invites the learners into a compelling investigation of the book of 2 Samuel and the life of King David. An understanding of the contents of this book will lead to greater comprehension of other biblical texts and will help learners apply the spiritual lessons of the book to their everyday lives. The purpose of this course is to develop exegetical skills (understanding the text) and application.

The Synoptic Gospels and the Early Church

This course is an exploration of the stories of Jesus and the ways the early church proclaimed him through an analysis of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Acts of the Apostles. This course reveals how each book is not a random assortment of individual stories, but has an overall narrative. Furthermore, the course shows how these different books relate to each other. Through biblical criticism, this course will help students to gain a deeper understanding of what can be learned from these books and how they can be applied to daily life.

Inductive Bible Study of the Book of Jeremiah

This course introduces students to the ‘inductive’ Bible study approach, using the book of Jeremiah as a working example text. With an emphasis on its content, theological themes, and the use of the book in ministry and missions, this course provides students with the tools to do inductive Bible studies for themselves.

Understanding the Bible for Theology and Ministry

This is a detailed course which examines the significance and meaning of the Bible, its interpretation, and the implication that it has for today’s context. The course teaches some important guidelines in exegeting biblical passages, showing how to understand a passage as it was originally read, and providing practical insight into transferring the meaning of Scripture to a contemporary context. Ultimately, this course helps students to understand the Bible’s teachings for practical theological ministry.

Introduction to World Christianity

This course takes students on a tour around the globe, examining a wide range of Christian belief systems, cultures and practices determined by various historical, theological and sociological settings. Students will learn how Christianity shapes and influences a broad spectrum of social, political and cultural processes and environments across the world. Attention is also given to how Christian beliefs and practices are shaped by the varying contexts in which the religion finds itself. An understanding of the development of Christianity across geographical, political and social borders around the globe provides a more extensive framework within which to locate one’s own Christian experience. This course will inspire students with the transcultural nature of Christianity and help to develop a greater understanding of unity and diversity in the world-wide Body of Christ.

Introduction to Christian Witness and Engagement

This course is a study of what the Bible says about mission and evangelism and how it can be effectively applied to the life of the church and the individual. Students will consider examples from Scripture as they study the growth of the early church in the book of Acts, growing their knowledge of mission and evangelism. Students will also examine the practical application of these principles in their own context as they consider what it means to live missionally in their homes, workplaces and communities.

Introduction to Christian Belief, Life and Service

This course explores the basic tenets of the Christian faith and explains how Christians can live out this faith in all contexts. Students will see a broad overview of the fundamental aspects of the faith and life of a believer - discussing core beliefs, key biblical events, Christian disciplines, and the way true faith built on these foundations leads to a life of loving service to God and humanity.

Christian Morality and Ethics

This is a course that focuses on what it means to be a virtuous Christ-follower and Christian leader. Through the provision of theoretical, theological and practical guidance on virtuous Christian leadership, this course broadens and challenges the life and work of students, encouraging practical engagement that leads to personal transformation. Students will survey the biblical foundations for ethics while being grounded in the life, work and teaching of Jesus.

Christian Response to Suffering

This course recognises the long history of suffering and persecution of Christians in the global south, as well as acknowledging the public witness which followers of Christ display in these circumstances. This course examines accounts of suffering and persecution in the New and Old Testaments, early Christianity, Christianity throughout the ages and persecution in the contemporary world. Students on this course will be provided with a theological, biblical and contextual understanding of suffering and persecution before considering the response of believers to persecution. This course will present an opportunity for learners to grow and be encouraged in their knowledge and understanding of the suffering of the church and sovereign reign of God.

Christian Care and Counselling

This is a course that enables students to become more efficient counsellors through ten weeks of theological and practical training. The theology section of the course outlines the biblical premises upon which the Christian counsellor founds their approach to counselling ministry. This is followed by a practice-focused section based upon an effective counselling model. Ultimately, this course provides theological and practical training which will expand and enrich students’ wisdom, understanding, compassion and skills.

Feed My Lambs: Ministry to Children and Young Adults

This is a course which engages with the biblical and theological reasons for children and youth ministry and explores practical methods to engage with young people in and out of the church. Children and teenagers are a vital part of the church and this course takes ten weeks to explore the development of children, how they learn at different ages, how to nurture them in their spiritual needs, how to include them in ministry and how to address the issues faced by the children and youth of today. Following this course, students will have a greater understanding of God’s heart for children and young people and how to engage and minister to the church’s next generation.

Entry Requirements

  • Able to read and write in the language of instruction.
  • For those who are 16 years old or above.

Please enquire with us for information about fees.

Apply to join this course here.

Accreditation and Validation

We are members of the European Council for Theological Education (ECTE) and our Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor's programmes are accredited by them. This certifies comparability to the Framework for Qualifications within the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) and provides recognition within the ICETE (International Council for Evangelical Theological Education) network. ECTE accreditation does not lead to or replace national accreditation in the UK.